Sunday, 14 March 2010

Paul and the dragon

Once again, ridiculous tragedy has befallen me. Outside, in my back garden, a giant, fire-spewing dragon has taken up residence. Its not really causing me any trouble at the moment - I tend to send out a sheep for it to eat every day, and it seems pretty content with that (The dragon, that is. The sheep are generally discontent with the whole plan.) However, with Spring approaching, I really want to tend to my vegetable patch, and the over-sized lizard is camped out on top of it. To this end, I hired a group of reputable dragon-slayers to help me out. When I first read their advert - located as all good adverts are; in a phone-booth - I thought the spelling mistakes and crude punctuation were to make the advert more 'olde-worlde'ish. However, it was not. Despite their claims to be able to "tame the giant serpent", these so-called dragon slayers were hideously incompetent. They claimed to be able to make the dragon "Spew its fire until it could spew no more", but in fact, they were burned alive within seconds of trying. And to make things worse, since the dragon is taking up my whole back yard, I have no-where to bury the bodies.
 I'm running out of sheep now. Max is coming 'round later... I wonder if he tastes like mutton?


Dr. Oliver Clozoff said...

Ha, we're still winning in the fire-sp-- um, in the fw word count.

Paul Blanchard said...

What words? Fire-spewing? Well, maybe you are winning at the moment. And by winning, I refer to saying fire-spewing on the blog. So, to sum up, you may have said fire-spewing more at the moment, but at any moment, I could say fire-spewing. Thus, I could say fire-spewing so much that I would have said fire-spewing more than you say fire-spewing...
I'm a very annoying man, I apologise.

Homemaker Man said...

Fire Spewing.

Leeuna said...

Whether or not you're saying fire-spewing, you are still a riot and your blog never fails to make me laugh. Actually, your work is rather disturbing...

Paul Blanchard said...

Fire Spewing indeed. Thanks Leeuna! For the first part of your comment anyway :)

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