So, how do people find my blog? It's a question, certainly. Perhaps I've asked it of myself, I certainly haven't asked the Pope. I doubt he reads my blog, he's very busy putting on his Pope clothes. Anyway, I'd like to imagine that people find my blog due to it's startling popularity in the fields of humour and satire, but I'm a realist and know it isn't. So, I took a look at some of the phrases people had googled that led them to my blog. Recently, some people actually googled "dog in the water pipe", which seems to be a good start.
However, the most common reason people find my blog is that they have searched for the common life expectancy of a toilet. Weirder still, someone googled "Sex with my dog blogspot".
Frankly, I don't even know what they want. Are they looking for blogs where people talk about having sex with their dogs? Do such things exist?
Who am I kidding? I know they exist... I created them...
I wish I could remember how I got here myself. I'd share the knowledge with you. Alas, we'll have to imagine it was my brief flirtation with canine plumbing.
I misread that as "flirting with canine plumbers", and an entirely different scene played out in my mind...
Hmm, I may have found you first, but if so, I can't remember how either. I'm afraid dogs in boiler suits didn't feature though... :(
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