Monday, 5 January 2009

Several remakes of classic movies I'm currently working on

Snakes on a Bus:
A tense thriller in which a British secret service agent must defend the Queen of England when a picnic-hamper of poisonous snakes are let loose on the Double Decker bus she is travelling on.

Conan The Barbarian; New Beginnings:
Following the introduction of several adult learning facilities in Cimmeria, Conan begins studying for a degree in business and fashion so he can achieve his dream of opening a shoe outlet. Watch the trials and tribulations as Conan attempts to master the use of words and numbers to solve problems! Laugh as he cuts off the head of the obnoxious student living next door to him, and share in his joy as he successfully buys a lamp!

Set in a remote Scottish Village during the Winter of 2007, this film sees a man choose between the woman he loves and the television. No kilts feature, nor is there any resemblance to the original film.

High Tea of the Dead:
Someone finally asks why the zombies are so intent on eating brains. Stumped, the zombies apologise for their boorish behaviour, attributing it to low self-esteem caused by their bodies decaying. The two factions are reconciled, and families are reunited with their deceased loved ones.

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